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Forms Pickers





Material Date picker

Use .bootstrapMaterialDatePicker to create it.

Clock Picker

Use .clockpicker to create it.
Simple mode

just add class .colorpicker to create it.

Complex mode

just add class .complex-colorpicker to create it.

Gradiant mode

just add class .gradient-colorpicker-colorpicker to create it.

Default Daterange Picker

These rangepicker is used for when you want to choose start date to end date.

Date and Time

These picker is used for when you want to choose start date to end date with particuler time for both start date and end date.

Seconds with 24 hour Time

These picker is used for when you want to choose start date to end date with particuler time for both start date and end date and to choose specific second from 24 hours.

Separate Date Picker

In these picker, there is separate dropdown for select direct month and also select year so you can easily move to particuler date.

Auto Apply Date Range

In these picker,automatically apply a new date range as soon as two dates or a predefined range is selected.

Not Connected Calenders

In these picker,both calender are not linked with each other.When both calender will disabled, the two calendars can be individually advanced and display any month/year.

Limit on Date

In these picker,maximum timespan between deadline dates.

With Dropdown

In these picker,there is separate dropdown for select direct month and also select year so you can easily move to particuler date.

With Week Numbers

In these picker,there is separate week numbers from start date to end date.

Predefined Ranges

In these picker,there is separate options like select today's date,last 7 days,last 30 days, this month, last month and custom range select as per your requirement.

With All Show Calendar

In these picker,with all above options which are mention in predefined ranges- show the calendar.

Language Localization

In these picker,change he language of calendar.

Open Picker on top

In these picker,calendar will open on top of the form-control.

Custom Button Options

In these picker,you can add your button options or style.
Default Datedpicker

just add class .mydatepicker to create it.

Autoclose Datedpicker

just add class .complex-colorpicker to create it.

Date Range picker

just add id #date-range to create it.

Datepicker Inline

You also can set the datepicker to be inline and flat.

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